Narrator: when was the last time someone showed you care and concern? Help you out with your problems? Or when was the last time you cared for the people around you? When was the last time you smiled because you felt good to know that someone cared?
[Scene 1]
(A group of random dudes just walks around the stage)
(Suddenly one of the random dudes fell down)
Mom (walks over): OH MY GOSH! Are you alright? Are you hurt?
Random dude 1(look grateful): I’m ok. Thank you for your concern.
Mom: well, here is some tissue to wipe your wound. Do take care.
Random dude 1: wow, thanks!
Narrator: Hearing words of concern, even from someone you do not know makes you feel better, doesn’t it?
Random dudes: YES IT DOES!
Narrator: So when was the last time you heard or see something like that? When did someone make you feel lucky to have someone that looks out for you?
[Scene 2]
(in the morning)
Mom: (sees daughter waking up) Good morning darling! How was your sleep? Here, have some breakfast to give you energy before school!
Daughter: (sleepily, sound tired and sick) morning mum…sure, breakfast would be nice. *sneeze* Thanks
Mom: (sound concerned) oh dear, you don’t look so good. Did you catch a cold? Well then, you’d better stay at home to rest. Go take a nap, darling, I’ll bring you to the doctor afterwards.
Daughter: thank you, mum.
Narrator: comforting isn’t it? The mother knows exactly how her daughter’s doing and puts in a lot of effort to take care of her. Don’t you think life with such care and concern shown cheers one up much more?
[Scene 3]
(in the early afternoon)
(Mom is out with her friends at the grocery store)
Mom: (worried) I hope my daughter is feeling better. She fell ill this morning. Now, she is resting at home.
Anne: is she alright? My daughter fell sick two days ago too, she’s still resting at home.
Mom: really? How is she doing now? I hope she gets well soon. I am making chicken soup for my daughter to recover soon, I shall bring some over for you daughter as well later.
Anne: well, thank you so much Margaret. You’re a really caring person.
Margaret (smiling): you’re welcome Anne.
[Scene 4]
(mom just finished grocery shopping and was crossing the road)
(drunk driver did not see the red light, Margaret gets knocked down by the car. Driver drives away)
[Scene 5]
(in the hospital)
(a group of people gathers around the hospital bed and waits for Mom to wake up)
(Mom wakes up, looks around, realises that she was in the hospital, there’s a group of people surrounding her and she can’t feel her legs!)
Daughter: Mom! You’re awake! How are you feeling?
Mom: (freaks out) why can’t I feel my legs??? WHY?! (tries to get out of bed)
(Mom falls, everyone rush forward to help her up)
(daughter and Anne help to put her back on the bed)
Anne: Margaret please calm down! Julie, get the doctor! Margaret, please stay on the bed!
(Mom struggling)
(doctor comes in with two nurses)
Doctor: I’m sorry, we tried our best. I’m afraid you will lose the functions of both your legs. I apologise sincerely.
Narrator: Now, mom is paralyzed waist down and she has become devastated that she will no longer be as efficient as before in taking care of her daughter. She is afraid that she will not be able to care for her loved ones like she used to.
[Scene 6]
(everyone tries to cheer mom up but nothing seems to be working)
(Mom is sitting on the bed looking defeated and sad)
Julie: mom! I made your favourite breakfast! Here have some.
(mom shakes head, lifeless)
Julie: Mom please cheer up! How about getting some fresh air outside?
(mom shakes head again, lifeless)
(group of random dudes come out to do the cancan dance and sing to always look on the bright side of life)
(they stop and see no reaction from mom, walks away)
[Scene 7]
Narrator: one fine day, Julie managed to bring her mom out for a walk in the park, and while Julie was getting ice cream for both of them…
(mom sitting on the wheelchair, tries several times, with a lot of effort, to get out of the wheelchair and walk again)
(mom fails to stand properly, falls)
Mom: aaahhhhhhhhhh (as she falls)
Pamela (a stranger in a wheelchair as well): (rolls her wheelchair over quickly) hey miss, are you alright? Did you get injured? Let me help you…
Mom: (looks up, see Pamela in a wheelchair, look surprise) erm, thank you, I’m alright.
(mom tries to get up, but to no avail)
(Pamela, despite her own difficulty, tries to help mom)
(finally after some struggling, Pamela manages to help mom get back on her wheelchair)
(Julie saw and dropped her ice cream, comes running)
Julie: (worried and panicky) oh no! mom, are you alright? I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have left you alone. Are you okay? Did you get hurt?
Mom: (to Julie) it’s okay darling, I’m fine. (to Pamela): thank you for your help and concern, miss.
Pamela: do take care. I’m sure you’ll be alright, since you have such a caring and loving daughter.
Mom: (looks at daughter) you are right. I have nothing to fear, as I have people, like Julie and Anne, to show me care and concern!
(group of random dudes comes in again, singing and dancing ‘always look on the bright side of life’)
Narrator: will you please cut it out, we need to conclude the story!
(group of random dudes skip away)
Narrator: as you can see, a little care and concern goes a long way, think about how much difference it makes by just caring and concerning for people around you. Margaret is devastated of her injury but with a little care from Pamela, who is a stranger, and a little concern from her own daughter, it made her realise that life is more joyous and optimistic when you not only show care and concern but also receives care and concern from others. Thank you :D